Sunday, 13 May 2018

North East - The End

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog the M1 was closed at around Junction 24 today so I decided in the end to miss out on the Model Railway show near Derby and just come straight down the A1. Journey wise there's nothing really to mention. Traffic was a bit busier than I'd expected but that's about all so I was home for lunchtime.

I've got a few conclusions from the trip related to the campervan. This trip I swapped my bed around, sleeping head towards the front of the 'van; overall it seemed to work better as it means my feet are at the more constricted end of the bed. I've got a repair to do as one of the curtain tracks has come adrift. I've been expecting this as two of them are screwed in to the headlining with very small woodscrews. I think some slightly more substantial screws and the hot melt glue gun will easily resolve things.

I definitely need to source a bike rack and get some exercise time out on the eBike. There were at least two days this week where I wouldn't have had to move the 'van at all and with one of those I'd have been able to visit more places on the coast without worrying about parking.

Possibly because the initial plans were made for last year and then modified repeatedly I didn't quite optimise my sites. I should have spent last night at Barnard Castle* instead of driving back up to Durham. I've done this a couple of times when plans have changed, I just need to be a bit more thorough. This is probably anathema to many people but I like to plan things, that's part of the enjoyment for me, but I do get annoyed with myself when I get it wrong!

Storage in such a small unit will always be an issue. I can just about manage but at some point I think a roof box may be needed. That's something to work on when I add the bike as that means there'll be even more kit to carry!

*The hour or so I spent in the town confirmed it as being my first choice place to retire to (in about 13 years time!)

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