Friday, 4 August 2017

Snowdon Again - Day 3

Firstly something I forgot to mention on Day 1 of the Blog. I believe I spotted my previous campervan, Little Dai, on my way here. I can't explain why but out of the corner of my eye I spotted a silver small van parked in a driveway. I immediately thought, "That's a Daihatsu!" It was a few moments later I realised I was in the area where I know the purchasers live so put two and two together.

Today, after a larger than normal breakfast (think I over-bought in the farm shop) I left site for the short drive to Sygun (pronounced Sugin, the opposite of what non-Welsh speakers would expect) Copper Mine. I've been down coal mines, a slate mine and a lead mine so copper was a new one for me. It's different in that you're not guided round but make your own way. They do give you a hard hat (it's needed) and warn you that there are 186 steps to climb, mostly open metal ones. Strangely I don't find the height too much of a problem when underground.

The commentary at each point (you press a button to start it) was reasonably well done. The story isn't that much different to other mines, what I miss without a live guide are those extra off-script snippets that you tend to get, the recorded commentary is just a bit dry. I finished with a reasonable coffee in their tearoom before driving round the mountain (cue song) to Llanberis and the hotel. I was in two minds about going for a walk but got distracted by the bar being open!

That's about it from a campervan point of view for this trip. Tomorrow a group of TOGs will attempt to climb (or take the train up) Snowdon, but a few drinks may be consumed in the meantime. I'm stopping until Monday so will report again when I'm home.

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