Sunday, 7 May 2017

Slowly but Surely...

I've managed to get some of the jobs done this weekend, but by no means as much as I'd have liked.

I did a little bit of shopping Saturday, but had to revert back to the web for some things. I believe I've solved the problem of the table, but more on that when the fittings arrive. The major purchases are coming in slowly, I ordered a set of fitted window blinds which, after a false start with not understanding what all the fittings were for, are now in place. They will help reduce sun glare and keep temperatures down a bit but, whilst they're far from opaque, the main purpose is to reduce the feeling of sitting in a goldfish bowl.

I wasn't happy with where he'd placed a 12v socket on top of the worktop so decided to move it. I came up with a cunning plan to fill the hole, a length of wardrobe rail and fitting - I now have a built in kitchen roll holder! This was on the jobs list for the previous campervan so made sense.

The double socket mains outlet continues to frustrate. I've found the proper long M3.5 machine screws that I have in stock from when I fitted the mains on Dai, so I can replace the forced in woodscrews but I've found there just isn't quite enough space to get a plastic patress box in instead of the metal one and the existing metal one has been damaged. It's not a huge problem overall.

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